Wick Editor
2016-2019, Co-founder, lead developer
A free, open-source tool for creating games, animations, and everything in-between.
I'm a software developer specializing in front-end web development and interactive experiences.
Take a look at the projects I've worked on!
2016-2019, Co-founder, lead developer
A free, open-source tool for creating games, animations, and everything in-between.
2016-2017, Lead developer
A suite of software for creating and performing with digital puppets.
2017, Lead Developer
An interactive popup experience featured at the Carnegie Museum of Art.
2018-2019, Front-end Developer
Helped build and manage new website for the Frank Ratchye STUDIO For Creative Inquiry.
2017, Internship
Contributed code to the p5.js Web Editor as part of Google Summer of Code 2017.
2016, Software Assistant
Developed visual effects that were used in the Augmented Hand Series, an interactive artwork.